Space within Your Reach

We are pioneers of microsatellite technology advancing the frontiers of space business, reimagining traditional ways of using space, and creating a society where everyone on our planet can make space part of their lives.
We outline the three guiding principles, known as " Axelspace Way ", which all team members are expected to follow in order to achieve our objectives.


Go beyond what we are

Lead each other

Celebrate challenges


For the next space business,
For Space within your reach

Founded as a microsatellite venture stemming from the University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of Technology, we, Axelspace, marked our 15th anniversary in the summer of 2023. Throughout the journey, our business has undergone profound transformations, mirroring the evolving environment around us.

The company started with the concept of ‟My Satellite‟ and challenged the notion that satellite ownership and utilization were exclusive to governmental entities. In 2015, we launched AxelGlobe, a satellite data solution business, with the goal of swiftly democratizing access to space-derived insights. Presently, we have five optical earth observation satellites at use capturing the world everyday, delivering invaluable business intelligence to our customers. The impact of our satellite data extends far and wide, serving various industries including agriculture, disaster management, journalism, and environmental sectors, with customers and partners spanning over 30 countries worldwide.

In the late 2010s, the Japanese government initiatives began focusing on nurturing the space industry, drawing attention and involvement from numerous non-space sector giants. This shift brought space into the public spotlight as a growth industry. Responding to the surging demand for microsatellites, Axelspace made the strategic decision to pioneer a new satellite development approach. This method integrates versatile satellite system design, facilitating the mass production of diverse products.
In 2022, we transitioned our dedicated satellite development business into a new business called AxelLiner aiming to prepare for an era where many satellites are launched on a monthly basis. To achieve this, we're accelerating satellite research and development, while also propelling business expansion through satellites.
While space has traditionally been valued for its uniqueness, recent changes, such as an influx of companies entering the space sector and rapid development in related industries, have reshaped its significance. Specifically, these shifts redefine the success of the space industry by aligning space business practices more closely with those of traditional Earth-bound enterprises.

Embracing the company vision of “Space within Your Reach” from our beginnings, we take pride in our role in shaping the evolution of the space industry with the transformation of our organizational and business structure. We have brought together a wide range of talent from various nationalities, age groups, and industries to foster a diverse and energetic team. Additionally, by adopting cutting-edge digital and security technologies as one of our key business strategies, we have transitioned to a software-centered business model, facilitated through the establishment of dedicated, specialized teams.

Furthermore, Axelspace is committed to promoting sustainability in every aspect of our operations as a member of the space community.
Sustainability plays a crucial role not only in environmental solutions derived from Earth observation data, such as forest conservation, but also in the domain of satellite development. With growing concerns over space debris, we recognize the imperative to embed sustainability across the entire lifecycle of satellite projects. That's why we've taken proactive steps to implement the Green Spacecraft Standard: a comprehensive framework ensuring sustainability standards are met from manufacturing and launch to operation and disposal. Our aim is to promote these standards across the space industry, nurturing the growth of sustainable space enterprises.

Axelspace Holdings
Axelspace Corporation
President & CEO Yuya Nakamura


  • Trading Name
    Axelspace Holdings Corporation
  • Main Office Location
    Clip Nihonbashi Building, 3-3-3 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
  • Established
    March, 2020
  • Capital Stock
    14.29 Billion JPY (including capital reserve)
  • Business Content
    Providing a one-stop service for microsatellites through "AxelLiner," and offering the Earth observation platform "AxelGlobe." The company handles the design, manufacturing, launch arrangement, and post-launch operation support for microsatellites and related components and offers satellite solutions.


  • 2024

    Launch of PYXIS, the demonstration satellite of AxelLiner.

  • 2023

    Announcement of closing of ¥6.24B Series D funding round.

  • AUG-08

    Celebration of Axelspace&aposs 15th year anniversary.

  • JUN

    Announcement of new management structure and the establishment of the “Green Spacecraft Standard,” the sustainable guideline covering the entire life cycle of satellites.

  • APR

    Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with Space Compass and Tokio Marine Holdings

  • MAR

    Start of collaboration in the development and demonstration of inter-satellite optical communication network system in the “Key and Advanced Technology R&D through Cross Community Collaboration Program”

  • FEB

    D-SAIL selected for JAXA’s Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration-4

  • 2022

    Won the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 22nd JAPAN VENTURE AWARDS

  • APR

    Service announcement of AxelLiner and the establishment of the Spacecraft Manufacturing Alliance with partner companies

  • JAN

    Announcement of the new product lineup of AxelGlobe

  • 2021

    Muromachi Office integrated with Honcho Office (Clip Nihonbashi Building 1F-3F).

  • JUN-10

    Start of the new AxelGlobe service with five GRUS satellites.

  • MAY

    Announcement of closing of ¥2.58B Series C funding round.

  • MAR-22

    Launch of the four additional GRUS (GRUS-1B,1C,1D,1E), Japan’s first mass-produced satellites.

  • 2020

    D-SAIL selected for JAXA’s Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration-3

  • 2019

    Loan financing of ¥550M from Japan Finance Corporation.

  • MAY-31

    Service Launch of AxelGlobe.

  • MAR-12

    Announcement of contract with Fukui Satellite Technology & Research Association (FSTRA) about the manufacturing and launch of “Fukui Prefectural Satellite”.

  • JAN-18

    Launch of RAPIS-1, a technology demonstration satellite for Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

  • 2018

    Launch of the first GRUS (GRUS-1A), the company’s own satellite for AxelGlobe constellation.

  • DEC

    Closing of ¥2.58B Series B funding round.

  • MAY

    Muromachi Office opens as the company’s second premise.

  • MAR

    Won the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 3rd Space Development and Utilization Grand Prize.

  • 2017

    Launch of WNISAT-1R, the second microsatellite for Weathernews Inc.

  • APR

    Office moves to Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.

  • 2016

    Announcement of contract with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) about the development of “Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration Satellite”.

  • AUG

    Won the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the “Award for Academic Startups 2016”

  • 2015

    Closing of ¥1.9B Series A funding round.
    Announcement of microsatellite constellation project AxelGlobe and entry into the Earth observation data business.

  • 2014

    Launch of Hodoyoshi-1, a business demonstration satellite for the University of Tokyo.

  • MAY

    Announcement of WNISAT-1R project, the second microsatellite for Weathernews, Inc.

  • MAR

    Closing of ¥30M seed round.

  • 2013

    Launch of the world’s first commercial microsatellite to monitor the Arctic Ocean, WNISAT-1.

  • 2011

    Office moves to Kanda-Ogawamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

  • 2009

    Office moves to Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa City, Chiba.

  • 2008

    Agreement with Weathernews, Inc. for the development of microsatellite WNISAT-1.

  • AUG-08

    Establishment in Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.




Using our 100kg-class microsatellite constellation, AxelGlobe offers high-frequency Earth observation, providing detailed visualization of events on the Earth's surface.
This enables us to deliver valuable business insights that are otherwise challenging to obtain from the ground.
Together with our partners in over 30 countries, we provide tailored solutions to meet our customers' needs, with applications spanning diverse industries such as agriculture, disaster monitoring, news reporting, and environmental management.

Constellation os a coordinated operation of multiple satellites as a single system (Axelspace currently operates five Earth observation satellites (GRUS1)).


AxelLiner offers a comprehensive, one-stop service for satellite projects, covering satellite bus system development, launch arrangements, insurance and ground station coordination, and post-launch operations.
As a global pioneer with extensive expertise in the microsatellite industry, we provide innovative solutions for customers aiming to conduct space missions including observations, communications, experiments, and in-orbit demonstrations.
With AxelLiner, customers can focus on the development and preparation of specialized equipment, such as telescopes and antennas, necessary for their missions.
This approach allows them to achieve their space-related business objectives with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

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Yuya Nakamura

President / CEO
Axelspace Holdings
Axelspace Corporation

Yuya was born in 1979 in Mie Prefecture, Japan. He completed a doctoral degree at the University of Tokyo. While he was a student, he was involved in developing nano-satellites such as XI-IV, XI-V, and PRISM. After working as a project researcher at the university for one and a half years, he established Axelspace Corporation in 2008. He has been serving as a Committee on National Space Policy member since 2015. He received the highest Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 22nd Japan Venture Awards in 2022.

Daigo Orihara

Director / CFO
Axelspace Holdings

After working at Sanwa Bank and in product management at a telecommunications equipment manufacturer, he was engaged in Financial Advisory such as M&A and fundraising at Investment Banking Division at UBS Securities Japan Global Banking. Later, he was engaged in business strategy planning, hands-on management support, overseas projects, and domestic and international investment at Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. He then joined Innophys, a university-based startup involved in the development of exoskeletons, where he served as CFO, leading fundraising efforts and developing mid-term business plans. After serving as CEO of the company, he joined Axelspace.

Makiko Hamada

Director / CHRO
Axelspace Holdings

After graduating from the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University, she worked for Benesse Corporation and CyberAgent, Inc., where she switched to human resources(HR). She created the HR infrastructure at MicroAd, a CyberAgent group company, and supported business expansion from the administrative side. After that, she led the renewal of the HR system as the head of the HR department at Business Breakthrough Inc (Currently, Aoba-BBT,Inc.). After serving as HR manager of an IT startup, etc., she joined Axelspace in September 2022.

Tatsuhiko Fukasawa

Director / Head of AxelGlobe Business Division

After graduating from Seijo University, he joined Macnica Inc. After serving in managerial positions in the sales and overseas procurement divisions, he moved to a semiconductor startup in the United States and participated in its management as the APAC regional manager. He led the setup of a distributor network, the launch of the business, and led a buyout by a major semiconductor manufacturer.Afterward, he launched the domestic operations of an overseas optical satellite startup and oversaw organizational development and operations. He joined Axelspace in November 2022.

Takashi Eishima

Executive Officer / Co-CTO (Spacecraft Technologies) / Head of AxelLiner Business Division

He was involved in developing the world's first CubeSat at the University of Tokyo Graduate School. After completing his doctoral degree at Tokyo University without obtaining the degree in 2006, he worked as a project researcher at the University of Tokyo. He joined Axelspace in 2008 as a co-founder and has been formulating technology development roadmaps and engineer talent development plans as Senior Fellow and Senior Engineering Unit Leader in the Engineering Department. He has consistently led the company in technical aspects, including technology development and satellite project management. As of June 2023, he holds the position of Co-CTO, responsible for spacecraft technologies, concurrently serving as Head of AxelLiner Business Division from February 2024.

Yoshihiro Ota

Executive Officer / CSO
Axelspace Holdings

Joined Axelspace in 2014 after experience in the financial sector. Since then, he has been engaged in a wide range of operations, such as AxelLiner and AxelGlobe businesses, while focusing on business management operations, such as fundraising activities. Since April 2021, he had been in charge of company-wide business management strategy as the Director and CSO of Axelspace Corporation. He has been the General Manager of the CEO Office and CSO of Axelspace Holdings as of June 2023.

Ryuichi Kokubo

Executive Officer / Co-CTO (Information Technologies)

After completing his Master's degree at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, in 2003, he worked at NTT IT Corporation, where he was involved in the development and provision of web conferencing software and services. He joined Axelspace in October 2018 and has been involved in the automated operation of the GRUS satellite constellation and the development of operational systems for that purpose. Since April 2021, he has also been the Head of the Digital Governance Group. As of June 2023, he was appointed Co-CTO, responsible for Information Technologies.

Yukichi Miyagawa

Executive Officer / CIO & CDO
Axelspace Holdings

Having overseen diverse software development at an independent system integration company, he moved to its US branch where he promoted various systems implementation projects, including ERP, for client companies. After progressing to the branch’s CEO there, he joined Rakuten Group as a system development manager for various services such as e-commerce and online supermarkets. In this role, he led a significant system reorganization for an investee company in a retail investment project. He joined Axelspace in April 2024.

Hiroshi Sasaki

Executive Officer / CISO
Axelspace Holdings

He worked as a developer of industrial control systems in a domestic manufacturing company for 14 years. He transitioned to the security industry, focusing on commercializing industrial cybersecurity, and actively engaging in activities such as giving lectures and writing articles domestically and internationally to raise awareness and provide solution proposals. Since 2016, he has served as a part-time advisor for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and since 2022, as a visiting associate professor at the Manufacturing and Innovation DX Laboratory at the Nagoya Institute of Technology. He is a CISSP certification holder. He has been contracted to provide security operations at Axelspace since December 2021.


Clip Nihonbashi Building, 3-3-3 Nihonbashi-Honcho
Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023, Japan