Personal Information Handling Policy

Access information and personal information provided customer shall NOT be used for purposes other than the original intent without the consent of the sender. However, collected access information may be used statistically (without personal identifiers) to maintain the quality of our website and to provide better services.

Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities

This Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities sets out how Axelspace Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Axelspace”) handles the personal information of each applicant for employment that is collected during recruitment activities carried out by Axelspace. Your provision of personal information in connection with the recruiting or job application process confirms your consent for Axelspace to collect that information and to use, transfer, retain and share it with third parties as specified in this policy.

1. Range of Personal Information Collected and Used

In this Policy, regardless of the medium through which such information has been collected or its form, “Personal Information” refers to the information collected by Axelspace during recruitment activities:

Applicants are required to provide following information by online and offline when applicants apply to Axelspace.
Name, telephone number, email address and name of referee if applicants have. This information can be provided by logging with the account of LinkedIn.
Cover letter, CV and resume which include educational background, work history, contact information, relevant qualifications, position to apply and so on.
Axelspace may collect transcripts, employment references and related information where necessary at a later stage in the recruitment process. Axelspace also may collect such information from third parties.

Axelspace ‘s websites may use cookies and other electronic communication protocols.

2. Data Controller of Personal Information

Personal Information collected through Axelspace’s websites

Axelspace is the data controller of the Personal Information collected through Axelspace’s websites. Authorized individuals within Axelspace may access and use the Personal Information (as set out in section 1) submitted by applicants applying for positions of Axelspace for the purposes described in section 3 below.

Personal Information collected other than through Axelspace’s websites
Axelspace is the data controller of the Personal Information collected through applicants and other than through Axelspace’s websites.

3. Purpose of Use

Axelspace will only use applicants’ basic information, screening information and past records for the following purposes:

To assess applicants’ qualifications with regard to available positions within Axelspace;
To provide applicants with information about other employment opportunities;
To contact and correspond with applicants regarding job applications;
To check information held in relation to applicants who have made previous applications to Axelspace;
In order to manage the applicants pool; and
In order to diagnose technical problems.

Applicants offered employment by Axelspace will be provided with a separate privacy policy addressing the way in which their Personal Information will be used at the commencement of their employment.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Personal Information submitted to Axelspace may be disclosed to:

Suppliers (located globally) that Axelspace engages to process applicants’ Personal Information on behalf of Axelspace, including external third parties that Axelspace has hired in order to perform pre-employment checks (in accordance with applicable law);
The service provider engaged by Axelspace to host the applicant Pool;
Any external recruitment agencies selected by Axelspace to handle the recruitment process;
Where permitted by applicable law, in connection with a transaction for the purposes of corporate
restructuring, sale, or assignment of assets, merger, divestiture, or other changes of the financial status of Axelspace, to a party or prospective party of such transaction;
To any third party to comply with applicable law, legal or regulatory obligations or regulatory inquiries or requests.

The recipients of these disclosures may be located in countries where data protection laws may not provide an adequate level of protection. In such cases, Axelspace will require the recipient to provide appropriate protection for the Personal Information disclosed to it in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

5. Safety Control Measures

Axelspace acknowledges that special attention needs to be paid to the handling of Personal Information. In compliance with applicable law, Axelspace has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to prevent the unauthorized, accidental or unlawful access, loss, alteration and leak of Personal Information.

6. Disclosure, Amendment, Suspension of Use and Deletion of Personal Information

To the extent permitted by applicable law applicants have the right to access their Personal Information. Axelspace accepts to the extent required by applicable law that applicants have the right to request Axelspace to correct or delete their Personal Information. Applicants may also oppose the processing of their Personal Information for legitimate reasons.

Axelspace will retain Personal information about unsuccessful applicants in accordance with applicable law. Where an unsuccessful applicant requests that their personal information be deleted, Axelspace will comply with this request as soon as practicable.

Axelspace retains statistical information about applicants to help inform recruitment activities.

7. Inquiries

Please contact us at the address below for any inquiries concerning this Policy or to exercise your rights.

Hiring Team, Communication Promotion Group, Axelspace Corporation

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