Space empowers your business

Axelspace has developed and operated 10 microsatellites in orbit. The “AxelGlobe” and “AxelLiner”, solutions based on these achievements, provide strong support for space utilization in your business.The Earth observation platform “AxelGlobe” delivers solutions for various applications through the provision of observation data by microsatellites, which can take images of a wide area of 55 km in width at a time.
“AxelLiner,” a one-stop service for microsatellites, enables in-orbit demonstrations and satellite-based services through customers' ownership of their own satellites or the installation of mission equipment on our satellites.


AxelLiner offers a comprehensive, one-stop service for satellite projects, covering satellite bus system development, launch arrangements, insurance and ground station coordination, and post-launch operations.
As a global pioneer with extensive expertise in the microsatellite industry, we provide innovative solutions for customers aiming to conduct space missions including observations, communications, experiments, and in-orbit demonstrations.
With AxelLiner, customers can focus on the development and preparation of specialized equipment, such as telescopes and antennas, necessary for their missions.
This approach allows them to achieve their space-related business objectives with unprecedented ease and efficiency.


Using our 100kg-class microsatellite constellation, AxelGlobe offers high-frequency Earth observation, providing detailed visualization of events on the Earth's surface.
This enables us to deliver valuable business insights that are otherwise challenging to obtain from the ground.
Together with our partners in over 30 countries, we provide tailored solutions to meet our customers' needs, with applications spanning diverse industries such as agriculture, disaster monitoring, news reporting, and environmental management.

Constellation os a coordinated operation of multiple satellites as a single system (Axelspace currently operates five Earth observation satellites (GRUS1)).